Jesse has helped turn around the teams fortunes this season or would it have happened under Marcelo's guidance anyway?
Personally i think the change in voice / way of doing things in the dressing room has helped us and i dont think MB would have changed anything. Much and all as i loved MB and he will always be remembered fondly, i think JM has turned the ship around and we may not have the same points tally if the manager wasnt changed.
The club needed a change but the way it was handled was incorrect.
Also there are players who fans and mdia gloss over their individual performances and blame the man marking sytem. You still see the same mistakes being made but agin it glossed over. Example is Forshaw and Alying chasing their opponents and then jumping or biting on terible simple faints, being be stood up and left with a massive hole where they meant to be.
The accountability is really not there as the squad does not allow that poor performing player to be punished by another player taking their place next game.
Then there is also the fact that a players who runs headlessly is deem to be putting effect when instead of doing simple things right is rewarded with further game time because he cause 20m (James, could have been replaced with Gelthart, Greenwood or even Raphinha and we would still be better off).