Two major changes behind the scenes. Our Head of Recruitment, Jordan Miles who only arrived in February is moving on and is being replaed by his Deputy, Alex Davies. Seems odd, as Miles would have been instrumental in the sucessful recruitment of last summer's players.
But the bigger change is the departure of Technical Director, Gretar Steinsson, who has been reassigned by the 49ers to the role of err Technical Director for some ill defined nebulous post. The expectation is that he will oversee a number of clubs who the 49ers are expected to acquire. He is not being replaced which will result in NIck Hammond's position being strengthened, much akin to the role Victor Orta enjoyed.
It's official. CEO Angus Kinnear will leave Leeds at the end of the season, hopefully leading us his second championship promotion.
And Enter Stage Left is Peter McCormick, the new Executive Vice Chair. Not sure if McCormick is Kinnear's successor or whether it's a new post.